Friday, June 1, 2007

Dust Art by Scott Wade

Scott Wade, the creator of DUST ART...
When the dust gets thick on the back window of his Mini Cooper, Scott Wade uses it as a canvas to create temporary works of art. Among his creations was a copy of C.M. Coolidge's 'A Friend in Need,' better known as dogs playing poker.

Wade used his finger and other implements to score this homage to Vincent Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' and Leonardo da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa'.

Albert Einstein, one of the greatest physicists of all time.

A collage of wildlife decorates the Mini Cooper's window.

Brazilian football star Ronaldinho.

Creation of a Christmas scene.

A portrait of Kinky Friedman on the back of the Mazda.

A gimme-capped John Kelso was the subject of one window portrait.

Escape to...The Beach!

Escape to...The Desert!

Escape to...The Mountains!

Besides his finger, Wade uses traditional art tools, such as paintbrushes, and unconventional ones, like a chewed Popsicle stick, to make his drawings.

Wade takes pride in his creations, but he knows that with one good shower, his work will just wash away.

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